Monday, October 12, 2015

The World Of Advertisements

Factors to be considered when creating advertisements.

The audience is a group of people that are seeing the advert. The audience is one of the key elements of making a spectacular advertisement. If you know your audience then you will know how to make your ad. For example: If you are presenting to adults, maybe, you can apply the affects of how it will benefit their children.  


An advertisement must be able to change the feeling/emotions of 
the audience. If the person might sees your ad ,then, he/she must feel scared or maybe cheerful. There is an ad where they were influencing people to join the army by putting a picture of Hitler trying to take over the Earth. As a result, people felt scared. Or, another example, if a kid watches a funny advertisement then he/she will appreciate the advert and probably want to buy your product. 

Regional Culture.
The language of the advertisement should be appropriate of the country's, which it is advertised in, language and culture. So it would make sense to send a advert to Japan when, in England it means "Coke" but, in Japan it means "Poop". 

Be Creative.

Think about a way that you can of anything and then try warp a way to make it what you are advertising.
The Mercedes did an ad where, in the hare and the tortoise, the tortoise won by driving in a Mercedes AMG.

Associate an Advert to each of the following: 



Q: What comes to your mind when you see this advert?

A: I think of, when I might get heart disease. This develops a little fear in me.

Q: What is unique about this advert?
A: It does not require too much work yet, it makes me fear about eating junk food. 

Q: To what type of an advert can it relate to?
A: As I have, smartly, done I put this under FEAR. 

Q: Why is it related to that and give your explanation for this?
A: This is fear because, it makes us afraid of have Heart Disease. Especially because, at the end of the poster it is written, "Don't be the next victim."


Q: What comes to your mind when you see this advert?

A: It makes me want to go to Gitex and get whatever is on sale,especially, the gold!

Q:What is unique about this advert?
A: It has really big font and it is able to fit all of it on one page.

Q: To what type of an advert can it relate to?
A: This is a HYPE.

Q:Why is it related to that and give your explanation for this?
A: This is Hype because it has big font words that are saying: "Win!"and "Hurry!" and etc. 

Testimonials and endorsements. 

Q: What comes to your mind when you see this advert?

A: That Ms Dhoni (The captain of the Indian Cricket Team) is uses it a lot, that is why he is on the box, and that is why win alot of Cricket matches. 

Q: What is unique about this advert?
A: It has the signatures of the famous players when they show both the boxes, and 1 box has Dhoni's face and Kohli's (a famous Cricket player) face.

Q: To what type of an advert can it relate to?
A: It can relate to: Testimonials and endorsements. 

Q: Why is it related to this and give your explanation?
A: It goes under this because, it has Dhoni and Kohli in the advertisements and both of them are famous Cricket players. 



Q: What comes to your mind when you see this advert?
A: I wonder who that person is looking at that Mercedes car. I also wonder why they are putting the engine inside the car and what engine it is.

Q:What is unique about this advert?
A: The advertisement has the actual engine of the Mercedes car they are applying, as you can see inside this photo. Also it is related to the hare and the tortoise. (Will be explained in the next question).

Q: To what type of an advert can it relate to?
A: I have related this to humor. 

Q: Why is it related to this and give your explanation?
A: The reason for this is actually, I have already seen this advertisement. It has the Hare and Tortoise tale related to the advert. Some parts of the advert change , like, instead of the hare sleeping, he his playing cards with his friends. Another example is, the tortoise wins by, going to the Mercedes factory and finds this car (the one in the photo) and wins the race in that. That was one of the most memorable adverts for me.


Q: What comes to your mind when you see this advert?
A: That a person is having his breakfast with Nutella and juice.

Q:What is unique about this advert?
A: It looked like it was very easy to make and that it has only one line that makes a big impact on the audience. 

Q: To what type of an advert can it relate to?
A: This has gone under Must-Have.

Q: Why is it related to this and give your explanation?
A: This is related to Must-Have because, it is showing me that if I have it then I will have a better breakfast. This makes it so that people will have a better day with a good breakfast.


Q: What comes to your mind when you see this advert?
A: That a person has become more fairer and is now with less wrinkles.

Q: What is unique about this advert?
A: It shows a great difference when the person used the cream, this shows that the products effect will be very big and effective.

Q: To what type of an advert can you relate it to?
A: This is a Claim Advert.

Q: Why is it related to this and give your explanation?
A: This is related to claim because, claim means to show how the product works or help you, this ad shows the that it makes you lose wrinkles and makes you look younger.

Sense Appeal:

Q: What come to your mind when you see this advert?
A: I think on how stomach-filling the Big Meal is going to be. 

Q: What is unique about this advert?
A: The advert is making me really want to go to McDonalds and order The Big Meal.

Q: To what type of an advert can you relate it to?
A: This is a sense appeal advertisement.

Q: Why is it related to that and give your explanation.
A: The advert makes my eyes convince me that it will fill my stomach, my mouth is making me want to eat it.





My reflection on what I learned.

I have learned how to tell apart from a good and a bad advertisement. I also learned what a good advertisement to be considered good. 
Me and my partner, Ali, were given 2 photos and we were supposed to tell which one was a good advert and which one was the bad advert.We did that in a snap. The picture on the right was on Coca-Cola and another one didn't even tell which brand they were. That is what made it so easy. 
After that, the teacher started going over the advertisements that were covered by the other students (and ours). We as a class were starting to tell apart which was a good ad and which was not. 

As I have told you, I have learned what a good advert needs. I learned this because, I know there will be an advertisement that must be by us through Desktop Publishing. I did it by collaborating with my friend, the teacher and the class as we all looked at the advertisements.

 This is my Flyer on Dubai Cares. I have applied the answers to the following questions: 1. Who they are, What they have done and if the audience can help Dubai Cares.