Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Going back to Term 1!


I think you remember that time where I had to do some advertisement analysis and after that, I needed to make my own advertisement on a club that is relating to my passion. Plus, my passion I selected was a Cricket Club. We were told that one after making our own advertisement, we were going to make a Video for it and well... that's going to happen today but in a much different way.

Let's start by telling you that we had be getting into groups of 4! So, the entire class were searching for their group. I was planning to be with Christopher, Adam and Armaan but then I found another group and it is the group that I am going to be in. They are: Andrija, Jonas and Timur.

Our next instructions were to decide which passion were going to have to choose. Here they are:
My Passion is: Cricket Club.
Jonas's Passion is: Sports Club.
Timur's Passion is: Tennis Club
Andrija's Passion is: Goalkeeping Club.

Later, after a lot of discussing, thinking, and voting, Andrija's Passion: The Goalkeeping Academy survived against Timur's Tennis Club.

So, we went to the Football Pitch so that we could do our first recordings. The difference between this recording and the final one, should be: Everyone is in proper kit, there are more people, there is a Euro Cup Animation at the start and lastly, there is going to be video will be longer so that the goalkeeper (aka Jonas) is going to save it on his next shot.

Sadly, I do not have the first recording with me at the moment.

By my calculations, since we have 2 more lessons, and the video might be a little bit long, we might need to do a part of our recording in the break times or after school.


Sorry, for the fact that I didn't update my blog for the So, Andrija and I had a short talk about what we might do for the video/advertisement. He said, we should do another type of video concept. By this I mean, last time we had agreed that we would make like it was the Euro Cup Final, and the goalkeeper missed. This time, Andrija said that we should have a goalkeeper who keeps missing the football. Then, he when he goes to the training academy, he will start saving all the shots. I agreed with this idea, now the only thing I need to do is to tell Timur (Jonas will not be there for the recording.) and, starting from tomorrow, he will get our video sorted. 

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Term 3- Scratch Programming Project.

Hello everyone. I am back. You might be wondering, what I am doing in IT, since THE TECH FAIR IS NOW OVER! (By the way, I was in it! :) )

We, the entire 7BB class, have started a new topic and its called: Programming with Scratch. When we all first heard it, we all exploded with happiness.

We were given an introduction on what it was. Basically, people nowadays usually are good with technology but are not making anything new. So, encourage creating new things, we have started using the program called Scratch. Scratch so happens to be a program that was created by MIT. (Mechanical Institute of Technology.)

We started by opening the app like so; nearly all the school computers have the Scratch app.
Later, we started were given a quick explanation on what we had to do in the Scratch Program.

Finally, this is the part of the lesson I enjoyed the most, we were given 10-15 mins to play around with the program and make our Sprite (the main and most important thing about Scratch.) move and do cool stuff.

I was able to make my Sprite move and, as it moved one step, the color of the Sprite changed. I was also able to make my Sprite say, "What's your name?" in a speech bubble. Ms. Veena thought it was cool and I was glad about that.

I was just wondering, compared to some of the Programming in the technological world, how is this supposed to be good. I was also thinking, what our topic assessment was going to be. I thought that we might have to make our Sprite do a bunch cool things.

The first lesson of that topic not bad, but it isn't really good, compared to other subjects, like the 2nd lesson of the Tech Fair. Hopefully this will be fun and that it's not too pressurizing.


Statement of Inquiry:
Computational Creation enables me to create.

In term 3, we will be working on Scratch Programming. This is a creative computing and enables us to explore various sprites and commands in Scratch.

Global Context:

Personal and Cultural Expression.


Information Literacy:
I will be using my research skills to learn Scratch programming codes and controls using scratch program. I will be using Scratch help from the pull down menu as well as watch other videos and on Scratch Programming codes enable me to complete the program. The "The Storyboard That" website should enable me to create online Scratch Programming codes and Scratch Videos.

For my last and final Scratch Program: I want to create a Scratch Video because, I want to show the audience, spreading awareness, by creating a Scratch Program. I want to spread awareness to the audience, and to the workers within the factories. If it is good enough, I want it to go the higher managers of the UAE. (Sheikh's Advisors, etc.). In the end, I want to make sure that the UAE is a better place. This has a small chance of helping the UAE reach the top 5 countries of the world.

Task 1-About me:

What's on top?! A very badly drawn guy in the corridors. As if this were a horror movie.
Don't worry, it's just what I was able to make from Scratch and was able to post on his blog.

And below is the code of the program, from Scratch.

I started by opening up the Scratch Program. Then I deleted the Sprite. The Sprite looks like a cat. So instead, I got rid of him and made a picture of myself.

Then I gave my new character commands. If you try if out, there are lots of commands. For Example, if you press the right button, my character will say, "I live in Dubai, UAE, in a medium-sized house.

There are many more types of commands, but I won't tell of them to you. What I will tell is that you need to press the following keys to get certain commands. (All my character does is to say different things):
  • Click the Green flag.
  • Click the character himself.
  • Press the left key.
  • Press the right key. 
  • Press the up key.
  • Press the down key.
  • Press the Space Bar. 
If you do all these commands, my character will say many different things. 

Right now, it is really bad and doesn't do anything else but to talk. If I play more with the Program, maybe I could make it better.  


Here is another program created by Scratch. It was awesome and easy to make.

Here is the code used to create the program above:

I started by creating 3 backgrounds; a white and plain background, a background with a house drawn by myself and a picture of the Grand-Canyon.

Then, I used a control feature. The feature basically gives this function: When I pressed the space-bar, the cat moves and as the cat moves, the background changes to the backgrounds that I set it to.

I decided that the usual orange and white cat was too weird and normal. So I decided to change the "Sprite" to black and make an actual real life cat.

Later, when I told Ms. Veena that I was finished, she told me to do more. Like to add more backgrounds and to make the cat say, "I am Cool Cat." using my voice and proper audio.

Sadly, I forgot to add more backgrounds, but I, when the voice of the class dipped very sharply down, I immediately recorded my voice and it worked amazingly! (except where Ms. Veena was telling us to shut down the Laptops.)

The Scratch Programming was really easy to finish and upload. The Programming itself is quite simple if you take a few ideas from people and learn how to do certain things. That, by the way, did. When Ms. Veena was quickly showing us the program she made, I got the idea of changing my background and also how to do that.

Finally, in the end of the class today, I was quite happy, felt quite accomplished and thought I did a lot of hard work very quickly.


Scratch Project: Term 3.


For this term, I have been asked to create a story using Scratch Programming. The Story should either create an awareness of an environmental issue, social issue or something that interests me. This

Criteria A- Inquiry and Analysis.

So for me to be to do the task, mentioned above, I need to start by thinking what my story is going to be about. For this, I think I will do air pollution. This is because, since I live in the UAE, they (the UAE) want to be apart of the Top Countries in the entire world (Hopefully they will succeed).

Personally, I feel that, if the UAE want to be in the top rankings, they should focus on air pollution. If they can do this, the world can be a much better place. Deadly gases will not be inhaled. This will also excel the UAE to be in the top ranks. In fact, the one of the pillars of the Vision of 2021 is have a more environmental friendly country.

I have done some research on how the UAE can be more environmental. Here is the link:

In this website, there are 15 ideas on how to save the environment, regarding air pollution. This will be difficult for me actually because, I don't have many ideas on how I can make a Scratch Program regarding that. Hopefully though, I will have an idea.

 I will be using a website called: www. storyboardthat.com to create a storyboard, related to my Scratch Program. Actually, we are told that we have to make a storyboard. So we were given the choice to draw one and color. Or we could use storyboardthat.com. So, since I am bad at drawing, I decided to use the website.

I am really nervous. Hopefully I will be able to excel and finish the storyboard and the Scratch Program. This is program, by the way, is due on the end of May.


Hello everyone, sorry I haven't blogged in a while. I have been working intensely on my Scratch Program and making storyboards for it. Finally, I have time to blog and tell you everything I've been doing.

So, since I didn't check my blog, I didn't know what the due date of the Scratch Program was. (This is the only place where I know what the due date was.). Now, because of this, I worked under a lot of pressure and have been working extremely fast and giving a lot of time in it. This means, that I am pretty much ahead of the rest of the class.

I had to start, by making 2 storyboards on my Scratch Program. I ACTUALLY didn't know we had to do make 2 storyboards, I thought we had to make only 1. But, I was later told to make another one, so I made another one, except that, I didn't need put any of the 2nd storyboard information in my Scratch.

Here are my 2 Storyboards:

This is the 1st one and, the one that I thought we had to make:

I put a lot of effort in it because I thought that this was the one that was going to be the main and only one. (But I was wrong.). It's more than 4 boxes because we could have more than 4 cells. But it so happens to be that we were only supposed to be 4 cells.

I started by making more cells. Then, I decided to fill out the white cells with some background, so I got a city-designed cell. Then, I got a Sprite from the Internet and snipped of it. Then, I uploaded him into my storyboard. Then the hard part was when I was creating the Sad Person and the Happy person. I had to use Paint to create them and then snip them. Then, I added the speech and concluded.

This is the 2nd one:

Now this one I feel was very well made. Quite possibly better than the 1st one! For one, this was made after I found out that we needed only 4 cells. So I decided to make another one of the top of my head. So I decided to make this. I first applied the background. Then, very creatively and professionally, I added the smoke fumes. Then I had to add the cars and put the fumes. I also had to re-snip the Sprite of the Internet.

Now, the Teleporter is the same Teleporter from the mobile/Tablet/IPad app called, "Jetpack Joyride." I needed to find the teleporter. After searching for quite a while, I finally got the right teleporter. The last cell was quite easy to make in the end. I just needed a Textable, the Sprite and a nice Countyside photo.

I feel I did really well. Both the Storyboards are very nice but like I mentioned above, I like the 2nd one better. They both follow the same concept. They both are trying to put an effect on the audience, to stop air polluting.

The 1st one can be improved because by adding a bit more laughter I guess. Also, I could've made the less commands. Otherwise, I am not too sad with it.

The 2nd is beautifully constructed, by using jokes and good Digital Design Skills. Yet at the same time, it's not having a good impact regarding Air Pollution, so I could improve on that.


Being the very nervous and fearing person I am, I put myself under a lot of pressure and decided to work extra hard. So I not only did I finish my storyboards, but I also finished my Scratch Program! Here it is!

There is also list of commands which contains what will happen. The letter/key/arrow and the consequence pressing it. Here is the list:

Above are all the commands. This means that if you see what it says in Bold, it tells which key to press. Then there is the regular, non-bold words: These show what will happen, if you press the button. 


Sorry, but that there is a big line between the words "Dude" and "says". That is the line that comes from clicking on something using the cursor. So I accidentally snipped that with it. 

I feel that I have done well and that this Scratch Program was easy to make. The students/teachers in MIT are truly smart, and create extra-ordinary things. I really appreciate their work.

If there is anyone who should use the Scratch Program, then it should be kids from ages 8-13 years of age. Anything below that, might not/will not understand the program. Anything above the suggested range, may not be very amused. 

I enjoyed creating the Scratch Program and the others as well (My 1st one and the 2nd one.) and felt is really made me push myself to be more organized and more thoughtful of the program. I hope there will be more things to come.


I am sorry I haven't blogged for the past  9 days, I ave been busy working on my Scratch Program (and other subjects.) so much, that I forgot that, I needed to update by blog. 

The final Scratch has been changing a lot. What I realized was, that when I update my Scratch Program, it updated on my blog as well. This has made it hard for me to tell you the updates I made. I'll try anyway. 

You see, every time you had to pressed a command, you had to press the Blue Tick Button. Now, Ms. Veena told me to get rid of that. So, I added a similar command, that had speech and was, on the screen for a certain time. Eg: The speech what a wonderful day at Abu Dhabi. When the scratch would say that, they would ask for a reply. So now I, I made sure that only the scratch said the speech and didn't ask for a reply. 

Another update was the audio I added at the end. 

I started by asking Rakan, a boy in my class, for his phone; I can record my voice. Then, with the recorded voice, I sent it to myself. Then, from my computer, I uploaded the voice onto the Scratch Program. This is how I uploaded audio in my Scratch Program.


I was looking at Andrija's Scratch Program, and noticed a "Wait" command in his Scripts. So I also decided to add a "Wait" command to MY Scratch program. Now, when you press the "X" Key, you will notice that the speech of the Sad Dude will appear a little bit later. So, to summarize, when you press the "X" Key is pressed, the Sad Dude will wait for 2 seconds and then says his speech. 

Then after typing this and thinking about it, I decided to add some credits. So, in my credits, I put Andrija's name and Rakan's name. I added at the end of the Video, "Special Thanks to Andrija and Rakan, for being the parts that created this video." 


Hello viewers. Sorry I haven't been blogging for the past 7 days, 1 week. But here I am now! So, I have finished my Scratch Program and I had to do 3 things. 
I had to do a self-evaluation and 2 peer evaluations. Of course, I had to decide the people I needed to evaluate. So, quickly, I decided to do my peer evaluations with Ali and Omar. 

This is the self evaluation I completed.

I feel I marked myself fairly with a normal heart. Not too fair, not too unfair. Everything that my self evaluation was marking me on, was half of what I did. Eg: "I made my Sprite talk and think". for this, I had only made the Sprite talk and never thought. So I did half of it. 

Please remember that I had to get the self evaluation criteria from ManageBac, from my IT teacher. 

Below is the Peer Evaluation that OMAR sent to me FOR MY SCRATCH PROGRAM!

I feel that I agree with Omar's evaluation to MY scratch program. I feel that my Originality was quite good. I also agree with the rest of them. I felt that I had improved my Creativity by using more, complex commands, I used more backgrounds as well, I only did use a few Sprites, my scripts were quite basic and there were little scripts but, I feel that my Theme was quite straight forward and easy to understand and I feel I deserve a 3 for Purpose/Project Theme. 

But sadly, I am missing 2 pieces of work. The 1st one is Ali's Reflection to me and, my Peer Evaluation to Omar. Now, I do have 1 reason for each piece of info that I have not both of those pieces of work. The reasons are: 

  • Ali does have the Peer Evaluation done, told me that, but he didn't send it to me. 
  • Omar did not give me his link for me to do his Scratch Program. 

Hopefully, I will have these 3 pieces of work done and up here on my blog.


I hope its not too late to say that I have my peer evaluation from me to Ali. Here it is below.

The reason that there is a pic of Ali's Gmail account is because, I took my Peer Evaluation from his blog. The reason for THAT is because I, couldn't find it in my computer. Now though I got on my blog. :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

ROM poster.


Hello everyone who sees this post. My name is Azaan.

After the Tech Fair, we had were all given 4 pieces of Paper.

  • A criteria of which was on what we did today.
  • A piece of any Desktop Computers written in Big words.
And 2 other pieces of Paper that I, sadly, don't remember.

So we, Omar (who was absent), Ali and I, had to create poster from MS. Publisher, on: The ROM.

Here it is below. It's not the best poster I made of Computer, but, Ali and I didn't find it difficult either.  

I learned a lot of cool and important facts on the ROM and it was all on, straight forward websites. Like, if you can't read the poster, I learned:

  1. ROM and RAM are 2 storage places inside a Desktop.
  2. The ROM stands for: Read-Only Memory.
  3. Unlike the RAM, whether or not if shut down, the ROM will always retain important Desktop information.

I am really happy that I learned something and that I also found this lesson really clean and easy.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Technology and the UAE National Agenda.


As a student in Dubai, it makes a lot of sense for me to know about the: UAE National Agenda.  The UAE Agenda was developed by 300 officials and by 90 federal and local government entities. 
As you know, Yahya and I worked and created a project for the Tech Fair. If you didn't see the post under, (under the Yahya And Azaan Tech Fair 2016 (Grade 7) post) it was a car entirely made of Lego except the NXT box and the sensors. So Ms. Veena had told us that we needed to type below, on how our project is related to at least 1 out of the 6 parts of the Agenda. The 6 parts of the agenda are:

  • Cohesive Society And Preserved Identity.
  • Safe Public And Fair Judiciary. 
  • Competitive Knowledge Economy.
  • First-Rate Education System.
  • World-Class Healthcare.
  • Sustainable Environment And Infrastructure.
Reference: http://uaecabinet.ae/en/national-agenda 

How is my Tech Fair creation and learning to one of the 6 pillars of the National Agenda?

Well, I feel that the Wheelie Cyclone (the project) is great in so many ways it also isn't. Personally, I feel that the Wheelie Cyclone goes under "First-Rate Education System," because, that pillar relates to learning and education, and a little bit of the “Sustainable Environment and Infrastructure” pillar, because of the building of the model and building relates to infrastructure.  

I've learnt how to program and use an "NXT 2.0 software." and that, what Yahya and I have been doing, is called, "Lego Engineering." Today, also, I learnt that: People can actually make a living out of Lego Engineering!   

From my point of view, Yahya had learnt how to build a model out of a different type of Lego; when we were making our Quad-Copter, we were using Lego of which was from the Lego meant for playing with. The difference between the 2 is that there are more pieces in the Mindstorms set than in the normal Lego set. 

Finally, my final lesson, that (sort of) links to the, “First-Rate Education System," pillar of the UAE national Agenda is: Whenever you want to do something and you have a limited amount of time, just keep doing it and don’t stop. This was a huge mistake that Yahya and I made. We changed our project from making Wall-E to making a Quad-Copter (that doesn’t really count.). Then we changed it again to making a Quad-Copter to a Mindstorms Lego NXT 2.0 car. So next time, we should just stick to the idea of making a Quad-Copter.

A little bit of the, "Sustainable Environment and Infrastructure." applies here because, in the future, people might take our project and improve on it and use it as a base to work on. This relates a little bit to the Sustainable Infrastructure.

Hopefully, we will move on and also, MORE importantly, Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Rashid Al Makhtoum will make his 7 years vision come true.  

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Yahya And Azaan Tech Fair 2016 (Grade 7)

Please Note that this post is connected to the Tech Fair Post, which means that the real blog to look at is the one called "Tech Fair." 

Monday, January 4, 2016

Tech Fair.

Hello, my name is Azaan and I am a student of Technology. As one, it is mandatory for me and my classmates to take part in an event called the: Tech Fair.

Unit: Tech Fair Project.
Global context: Scientific and technical innovation.
Statement of Inquiry: Developments in technology could be seen as blessing or a curse depending on the impact it has on an individual or society.
Inquiry Question: How can we use Technology to help develop our ideas to create a masterpiece for the ‘Tech Fair’?
ATL: Thinking skills and research skills

The tech fair is like an exhibition where students must make their own piece of work that is either a hardware or a software.

So me and Yahya have decided to contribute and now have started with our ideas. The following paragraph(s) will have our information given to you so that you may know the answer to some that were asked by our teacher.

What was the product or software developed and how does it work?

The product/software is a DELIVERY DRONE and it works to transport things from one place to another. 

Who developed it?
Me and Yahya (a nice and intelligent classmate) will be developing the drone.

A paragraph on what was developed and how does the product benefit the society. 

Me and Yahya will by developing a Delivery Drone and this drone (should)will be able to deliver certain items. This is going benefit the society because it will deliver that package certain places and make transportation very easy.   

Reflection – On how your research went. What were the keywords that you used in the search engine to get your results. Did you get your results in the first attempt? What were the problems that you faced when searching and how did you refine your search to get the desired result?

Honestly, I really didn't really do much research and on my product. I thought of doing Wall-E but, when I teamed up with Yahya, we decided to do a delivery drone. I did do some surfing to check the pros and cons for a delivery drone because it was required for a PowerPoint Presentation. Under the information will be the PowerPoint slides. Here is the info:


·  It is fast and does not have any restrictions to move around. (Dead end, traffic, etc).
·  You don’t need to start it at any point, just put it down and let it fly to its destination.

·  Speed, Flexibility and Ease of Delivery.


·  Cost is so much more than some other types of transportation.
·  If one wants to deliver something very heavy, the drone wouldn’t be able to do so and might even break under the weight.
·  The heavier the item, the more energy which also (sort of) point mentioned above. 

Me and Yahya even looked at some drone videos. They looked very nice but it looked very hard to build. Here are some I am looking at right now, I will display one video and the rest as the references.

Here is this video's Reference:

Here some of the references:

(The last one is my favorite!)

Hello everyone, I am back and starting from now on... I am going to be writing around 200-250 words every week in the Tech Fair Unit.  So I shall start from the end of this week... and so on.

23/1/2016 (The oldest).

I had been alerted that there will a Tech Fair, at the end of the first term and the IT teacher had told that the Tech Fair would started in Term 2. (A little note: This reflection of 200 words is being written around 3 weeks of the Tech Fair of the Tech Fair). 

The holidays went fast and schooled was reopened for Term 2. The first thing, as a class and individually, was to think of a few ideas for the Tech Fair. This was easy as I already had a very quick idea for what to do. To make Wall-E. Even the IT teacher was happy with my idea and that it would surely allow me to win the Tech Fair. 

The next lesson, I had to pick a partner or I could have worked alone. I picked a partner as I thought it would be easier and as it is my first year of doing the tech fair. So I chose Yahya as my partner.

I and he have been working on the product but, after a long discussion, we decided that our product should be a Delivery Drone! I and he have a lot of progress and we are really getting into the Tech Fair. But we still haven’t got into the designing of the Drone but instead: The announcing of it, the planning of it and more.      


I had to peer evaluate Yahya for his blog, and so I did. I also had to evaluate myself. The something applied to Yahya. So the first picture you will see below is the self evaluation. The next one is the Peer Evaluation that was sent from and done by Yahya. 


Hello everyone who is seeing my process in the Tech Fair. I am very sorry that I have not typed anything since... I am not counting the amount of days I didn't blog. But now I am here! So now I am in the process of making the delivery Drone! Sadly, Yahya is not here today and so I can not do much without him. But I do have the materials I had to bring from the list which are: A glue gun, a few base plates from Lego, a belt, a selfie stick holder piece and a headlamp. I hope to keep up with my blogging! 

14/2/2016 (Valentine's Day). 

Today, I had been requested from the IT teacher (and the real one was here today (Ms. Veena)) to write a reflection that is not less than 200 words, today. So here it is:

Me and Yahya have not started building it but it will be done TODAY! :) So I hope that within these 11 days (since the project is due on the 25/2/2016) that we build it and that we have a model ready and flying in the high blue sky. I am getting really nervous but inshallah we will have something to display. As I write this reflection, my heart is pounding and I am just thinking of a drone flying when we demonstrate it. 
Yahya has brought the materials required and so have I. There are lots of factors that me and Yahya have to consider but, those factors (inshallah) will be surpass and put into. I am seeing the creations of other people and seeing that people are really thinking hard and I don't think we will be in the final 3 or even win! :(.

Me and Yahya are using lots of hardware such as: Wiring, Wood, headlamp, Lego pieces (speaking of Lego pieces, that is another thing that we are adding to our list.),  camera holder piece and more. Sadly, we are using only 1 type of software to replace sensors and that's: A Canon Camera App. This adds to more to my tension because my father said to me, "Hardware can't work without software and Software can't work without Hardware,".   

As you can see, I am getting really nervous and tensed. Hopefully, by the end of this Tech Fair event, I hope to be happy and know that we have done our best.


      Hello everyone. Me and Yahya, have already, decided to change our Tech Fair Product! We felt that it was too hard and so, we decided to something else that was suggest by Ms. Veena.

 She suggested that we use the schools Lego and also program it to move and drive around. It took me a long time for me to decide whether or not that I want to change my whole project again when there was only 8 days left till they were going to go to assessing and check through. Yahya was happy with the Idea and was persuading me to do that (since was his idea and plan to change it). Finally I decided to rebuild it. 

A friend of mine decided to help me and Yahya out and we are now really close to completing the Product. There is a problem: The programming is a big process and is, believe it or not, is still going through because we need a CD that contains the Lego Mindstorm NXT 2.0 software inside it. (Lego Mindstorm NXT 2.0 is the software that we are using to program that Product). So far everything is going well and me and him have been giving up a lot of our time in our Lunch Breaks! 

I hope that we make it into the top 16. (The teacher decides the 4 best from our class, and I assume that is the same thing for the other classes (and there are 4 classes in every year.)). With supreme luck, I hope we even win this competition. This is going to be a close call and I hope this works out in the end. Also bear in mind the product itself is getting marked and those marks are going to my report! 
I hope to always update my blog and hope that, whoever is reading this, will help me in this big process and Unit!


Happy March. And the happiest day for me!!! Ms. Veena and I finally programmed the model for the Tech Fair. Yahya was able to finish the model's looks. This is a huge relief because, we went through lots and lots of problems and agony. Even Ms. Veena had to struggle with us!

 Today we were supposed to be presenting our work to Ms. Veena and the class. Since some people also didn't present during today's lesson, we had more time to work on the Project. 

Now finally, it works! Yahya was not there to witness its first steps sadly but I will hopefully be able to tell him the story. It was moving backwards and I was a little bit surprised, but I was too happy to want to question its movement. 

Ms. Veena gave 2 suggestions which were:
·  Make the program more complex.
·  To replace the/ add a touch sensor so that, once it hits an object it will reverse and then avoid the object.

The model looks amazing and it even works. I hope this brings us to the Final 16. But there is a very low chance, from my point of view, to win the in the actual Tech Fair and win the prizes.   
This is how the NXT Software looks like once you open up a program.


Hello everyone, as you know, I have different product for the Tech Fair. This also means that this will require its own PowerPoint. This time, I have made the PowerPoint (the Quad-copter version was made by Yahya.) and here they are snipped by using Snipping Tool. 


Remember how you I told you that, on the 1/3/2016, people from other pairs and groups had to present their projects to the rest of the class. So the rest of the class had to take notes and decide whether or not, that certain group goes to the Tech Fair or not.

As you should know as well, is that me and Yahya were very busy working on the project so, I did all the note taking while Yahya was building the our project. So, under pressure, I typed on Word and straight, here, on my Blog. So I have snipped the Notes so that it is easy for you to see who presented and what they questions and answers are.

Christopher and Bhavya and their invention, “Blinky”, robot that runs on Solar Power came up first I think. Their robot was good but in the end, I was not satisfied.
Blinky had eyes of which were purchased and stuck to the body, which was a can, this makes the robot look a little bad (personally.). The legs were very poorly made and were not exactly well designed or produced. Plus, I couldn’t see any software work in the model.
But the way it worked was very good as it used "Green," power. Their robot, Blinky, started a walking as soon as it touched the floor. When they were giving a small recap, I heard that their work can contain food. This made me happier about their work. I liked how Blinky had a transparent compartment that contained (I think) double A batteries and that the batteries were connected using wires.
Sadly, in the end of their presentation, I decided that Christopher, Bhavya and Blinky shouldn’t go to the Tech Fair.
Blinky has a lot of room for improvement. Blinky could be a lot well designed, and can also try to contain proper, and little bit of better software usage. The main problem with Blinky is that he is too basic and should tuned to look and work better. 
I loved Yousief's the most. It is 100% beneficial to society. It is also quite portable. His model which allowed an A/C that works any time and beneficial to those who are less fortunate. 

I am not too sure how Yousief constructed his model/project. I remember that he used a big, green box and inside that, it contained an ice pack. He also said something about cutting wires for the box to work. But I'm not too sure how he made it work on a USB. 

I wish I made something like that because:
1. He built by himself, so it mustn't have been so difficult.
2. It is super beneficial to society and I don't how this isn't.

If I had to rate Yousief's out of 10 (From all the information I know!) then I would give him a perfect 10/10!

Personally, I don’t think there is anything I need to say in terms of improvement! GREAT JOB TO YOUSIEF! 

I love how he made 2 items for 1 Tech Fair. Adding to that, I love how both of them are good and perfectly created. The drone was built of different, built-in items put together. The Air Refresher is good is terms of fragrance. He used little like-balls that were really slippery and smelt good. He put all in a jar and it started to make a good smell.  

Let’s start with the drone. The drone required certain, pre-made pieces to make the final thing. The drone really flies and can to an incredible high altitude. It’s remote controlled as well which, every drone requires. Timur has done a great job creating it and making it in the end.

Is that all, no! Sadly, again, I don’t exactly know how it was built as, everyone was crowding and by the time I could come to the front… he had already finished.  I know what the materials used were, but not how he used his materials. He used: A big box; lots and lots of squishy, fragrance and small balls and, a fan connected to the box.

Combining the 2 projects, and adding to that, in 1 tech fair is so amazing well done that he definitely deserves to go to the Tech Fair.   

The triple purpose car had well... 3 ways to work. 
1. A normal car.
2. A drone.
3. Remote Controlled. 

The car is really long and it's blue as well. They used Lego, and since Lego is light, it can be very portable and can also be very fast (due to Physics.) 

The problem with their project was that, it uses a lot of battery. In fact, when they were presenting, the car wasn't fully charged.
 Plus, since their car is really long, that would mean that it is pretty fragile. Actually, for storage, our project and their project were both using the same cupboard. So, as you know I had to lose my break times for this, when I would work after school and during the breaks, I would have to very carefully remove the Triple-Purpose car THEN, I could remove our model and put their project back. 

I was really happy with work and not at the same time. 

They created something I thought wouldn't exist for a long time. Well, now that "long time" is here. They created a car, which can climb on walls. 

They control it using a remote control, they attached it a camera. Whatever the camera see, can be seen on a watch.  The car uses vacuum cleaners suck up the air and stick to the wall… or something like that. This means that I don’t exactly know how the vacuums work though.

They, also, created a really nice game as well where, the car has to go through the obstacles and reach the finish line in the end.

There is a problem with it though, which is: They made the challenge on poster paper, so that makes the area small. Plus, the obstacles might a little bit too big.
1 problem they had in their presentation was that, when I asked them a question, they suddenly remembered that they had a watch to look at.

They bought a kit to make everything actually (besides the game of course.)! So maybe they could’ve broken it down so that, everything was created due to the kit. So, for example: Maybe the car could’ve been bought from a different place. Basically, so that there are a few things that are not from the kit.  

Rakan was the first person to go. He created a game called, “Tanks!”
His game is a 1 vs. 1 player game that’s has 1 map, but the scenery gets different. By different, I mean that the map gets darker. I think there are about 6 rounds. There are different structures such as: Rocks, Big houses and trees. 

Even before the day we were supposed to present, everyone in the class wanted to play on his Tanks game. Shortly after that, while Yahya and I were working on the Quad-Copter, I saw that there was a grid on his game and he was able to move his game around. So I would imagine that he was working and developing the game.

The softwares were really good so was the animation. But, to spruce the game up a little bit more, maybe he should add power-ups and and also put different types of maps. 

They had an amazing idea for the Tech Fair. To add to that, Alex and Khanda don't really work together, in fact, I think this is the first time they are working together. 
Even so, they were able to work together very well and create something, I thought no student could make: A Projector! 

The Projector actually works. It's 100% beneficial, like Yousief's, and it's something anyone can make.   

What was very unique and suprising was that, Jonas himself said that he didn't want to go into the Tech Fair, instead of trying to persuade and mention the good things about his project; everyone else was doing that, including Yahya and I. 

Karim and Adam Iich. 

Karim and Adam have created a Robot Ball called Sphero.

What I like about their creation is that, Sphero contains lots and lots of features. It has a camera, it has complicated wiring and you came download lots of apps. The project is resistant to falls ONLY if the ball that surrounds it, is attached. Plus, the Project can move anywhere by using an App for the Sphero. 

They used lots of kits but the wiring had to be self-done; instead of using lots of kits, try to use fewer kits to make spend less money. 

The project doesn't exactly have a good look for it only looks like wiring and motors so, I recommend that they attach a shell on it and paint and decorate it. It isn’t very good in the end because, there were a little of problems when they were presenting.

Personally, I don't feel Karim and Adam shouldn't go to the Tech Fair because, all in all, it doesn't have a good presentation and still looks like it is still in progress. 

We used sticky notes to notify whether or not a certain group goes to the Tech Fair or not. So basically, we are given 2 types of sticky notes, the lighter color and the darker color. If you write the people of the group's name on the LIGHTER sticky note, that means that you want them to GO to the Tech Fair. On the other hand, if you write their name on the DARKER sticky note, then you DON'T want them to go the Tech Fair. In the end, you must have decided on everyone's projects. 
Hopefully Yahya and I will have more majority of Lighter colored sticky notes than Darker colored sticky notes. 
Thank you for reading this recent post and hope you wish us luck.  

Hello. Yesterday, Yahya and I presented in front of the class showing our model and the NXT 2.0 Program.
We started off by showing the Program and the model to the whole class. This was done because the teacher, Ms. Veena, told us to go around the class, displaying it. After that, we presented and explained our program and model. We also presented the PowerPoint Presentation above. Ms. Veena asked us a lot of questions and also my classmates asked Yahya and I a lot of them as well. We were able to answer their questions in an adequate way. This means that it was below average! :(.  To make matters worse, when I had to mark and take notes on others work, I kept saying that THEY should be going to the Tech Fair! To summarize, I want people to go to the Tech Fair when I really and desperately want to go to the Tech Fair. THIS will devastatingly hurt my chances of going to the Tech Fair.  
I think that we will not make it to the Tech Fair as, I received a lot of discrimination and too much feedback regarding the model. The only that can save us is the model because it looked really good.  


Fresh well come back to school after the 2 week Spring Break! Since the school always starts on a Sunday, IT is also on a Sunday.
Well this is it. My final reflection on the Tech Fair.

Sadly, I don't know if I followed all the Criteria because, I don't remember all the criteria s and what they want.

I feel that are time management skills were not very well used. I say this because of the pressure Yahya and I had to go through. It might also be because of the switch from making a Quad copter to a NXT Car. 

I feel that I learnt a lot on Lego Engineering regarding to IT. One thing I learnt that is that the program is not very hard to operate once you start using it. The program is very flexible and quite easy to use. When the Tech Fair Unit ended, I asked Ms. Veena if people can make a living out of Lego Engineering. And guess what she replied, “Yes.”

Yahya and I were the creators of the Wheelie Cyclone. (Our model.) Yahya dealt mostly with the Hardware and I was responsible of the Software.